















Assunto  Reabertura das escolas








Conforme foi informado pelos jornais hoje de manha, foi planejado que todas as escolas do municipio irao ter reabertura do dia 18(segunda) e, os alunos irao comecar a frequentar a escola.


No dia 18(segunda)e 19(terca), irao ter as aulas  somente na cecao de manha. Quanto a merenda escolar, irao ter do dia 20(quarta). 






 Pedidos para os pais



  Talvez tenham  os pais que irao ficar preocupados com o risco de ser infeccionado por ter as aulas. Favor medir temperatura corporal e confirmar estado de saude do seu filho toda manha sem falta para que todos possam ter a vida escolar sem ansiedade. Todos os funcionarios tambem irao tomar mesmas medidas. E tambem, todos os funcionarios irao tomar outras medidas contra a infeccao na escola. Contamos com suas cooperacoes para nao “ser infeccionado” nem “passar a outros”.



件名  学校再開について


About restarting the school
















As the newspaper noticed, we will restart the school next week, on May 18th (Monday).


We won’t have class in the afternoon on May 18th (Monday) and 19th (Tuesday). School lunch will start on May 20th (Wednesday).


We will notice you about the details that will be decided on this Friday (15th) at the “Fukuroi city’s expert meeting against COVID-19”.


To the parents and the guardians

We understand the worry about restarting the school in these circumstances. Please cooperate to take your child’s temperature and check the conditions. We also will take the all teachers temperature and verify the conditions. Additionally, all staff will work for the measures to prevent an infection. “Never be infected by someone” “Never infect someone”, we ask you for your cooperation to keep realizing these words.